Everyday Life

San Francisco Trip ☀️

Hey loves,

Ever been to San Francisco? I have. More times than I can count haha. & I just got back not to long ago! My sister lives there and just recently had her babygirl 👶🏼 so when we find the time we go visit her. I wish I lived close enough to an airport that offered a direct flight because it would make life so much easier. Anyways…

Visiting the city soon? These are my top tips for visiting this city in no particular order.

•The best food to order there is seafood, the salmon lox bagels, and clam chowder. I’ve never had better anywhere else!

•Top places to eat in my experience are The San Franciscan, Boudin, Kennedy’s (a bar with the best Indian cuisine EVER), Fog City, Hollywood Cafe (for breakfast and lunch) and House of Prime Rib.

•Definitely bike the Golden Gate Bridge. If you don’t want to bike or can’t you have to find a way to get up close to it. It’s the coolest experience.

•Go to subpar golf. It’s an inside mini golf with a bar. So you can have a brew and play some golf. Super fun

•Check out Pier 39 and the sea lions they have in the back! Tons of shops and places to eat. (Super busy!)

•Go to a Giants game! ⚾️

•Visit Alcatraz. One of the most famous prisons. Take a boat out to the island and tour the inside of the prison and it’s surroundings. Super interesting!

•Check out Ghirardelli Square and treat yourself to the ultimate sundae! 🍦 🍫

•Take a Segway tour around the city.

•Hop on and off the metro bus and make sure to go see the financial district!

Sooo what are you waiting for?!

If you haven’t been to San Francisco I recommend visiting the city. It’s very different than the entire state of California. It’s actually kind of cold there. So bring a jacket or two! It’s more like a nice wind chill with the sun also shining so it’s nice but still chilly.

We rode a lot of bikes and scooters to get around the city easily. It’s the best way for transportation or you can hop on the metro bus. It goes from one end of the city to the other. I don’t have much experience with the bus other than in the financial district is where you should get on and ride it all the way to Fisherman’s wharf. Another cool area filled with food vendors, entertainers, and shopping.

***Just a friendly reminder these are all my opinions for a tourist type vacation. I don’t know where the best “local” spots are so keep in mind the places I name are probably busy but worth it once! I’ll leave the local hot spot places to find to Yelp hehe.

Pics from vacay! Also outfit deets below.

jacket|top | vans

Clam chowder bread bowl. Highly recommend
Loved this door @ Pier 39.

top | pants | shoes


cardigan | shoes | hair scarftop | hat | shoes

Thanks for reading y’all. Take your awesome self to the big city. She will love you.

Till next time


Make sure and check out my older posts below!! Follow me on @cassiemorganblogs over on Instagram. See ya 💕

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